I am choosing to leave my career of 25+ years during a Pandemic after divorcing from a 20 year marraige / education. I got into Nursing for the right reasons: I like helping others and can make a living honorably while serving humanity. I can live most anywhere and find work. I have evolved and grown since entering the health care field and you know what, so has health care. Today’s health care is very different from when I started. I feel so drained working in today’s Pandemic Health Care. The Truth is no longer True; Fact no longer Fact! How much Money do you have can measure who lives in this Pandemic Reality. The Pandemic Reality is not for me. No, Thank You! I simply do not have the Energy for it, my body does not support me participating in such NONSENCE! And NO, I do not need BIG PHARMA to prescribe me something spectacular. I am going inward to start my Fire!
I have already announced to my family, friends and boss my desire to leave Health Care due to the dysfunction and greed and ethics violations and medical errors and medication errors and short staffing and unsafe work environment. And interesting notation: each time I announced how I really felt about health care to each person or group, I felt more ENERGIZED / VITALITY! Interesting, how speaking my TRUTH enhances my energy level. This week I have also contemplated the reality that each truth equals death (TRUTH =DEATH). If one considers that each time a truth is revealed to you, a new reality presents hence the death of the old belief / old truth. The more one learns, the more one dies, over and over and over. Now that I have made the decision, I need to find another career.
Most important!
I need to focus on my self care, strength and wellness! I lost my Superwoman Vitality!! Gonna earn it back! Gonna Love me back! This morning I completed 3 rounds of Breathe work (Wim Hof) and experimented with cold shower for final 30 seconds. I did not require a cup of coffee this morning. I did experience an increase in my awareness of my senses. Although most of my time today, was engaging in the toxic health care system; I personally experienced flow and less stress today. I have the energy to create. My goal is to document and share my unique and widely shared circumstance of Jumping Off The Matrix! I desire to wake up each morning drinking in some power breathe work. I use to drink 24 oz of water every morning; rethinking– going to experiment with what my body desires to drink each morning. Need to take good care of me while making all these new choices.